torsdag den 1. september 2011

Som det er;

Jeg lukker mine øjne,
Analyserer hvert et åndedræt,
Flyder væk fra stilheden,
Mens hjertet smelter sammen, træt.
Jeg kæder mine tanker sammen,
Omkring ringe af lys,
De blegner omkring farverne,
Giver ingen mening i melodiernes kys.

Jeg smiler varmt,
Når jeg tænker på de få,
Der ser igennem facaden,
Dem som mine hænder, kan nå;
Før jeg hopper,
Og falder tungt,
Når verden syntes grå,
Når hjertet splittes og gør ondt.

Så er der dem der taler,
Fremkalder kaos i mit sind,
Dem som skriger før de kalder,
Dem jeg frygter at lukke ind;
Bag de tonede ruder,
Hvor jeg ikke magter at lade dem se,
Hvordan de lader flammerne tale,
Hvordan de dækkes af en dulmende sne.

Jeg forsvinder når jeg drømmer,
Lever mine længsler om igen,
Lever skrækken gemt bag lykken,
Hvor jeg nu end træder hen;
På mine ømme såler,
Der hviler tungt under min fod,
Mens jeg tænker,
På hvor vidt andet kan vægtes højere end blod.

For life

I’ve been searching my soul for words,
But my soul is an ocean,
And I’ve been drifting on icy waves for years,
Spun around in slow motion.
I’ve been thrown against rocks for ages,
Whilst my spirit seemed shattered across the ocean floor,
I’ve been waltzing back and forth over and over,
Till I couldn’t feel my legs anymore.
No need to see the sun,
My life had just begun,
I don’t owe nothing to anyone,
They’re all landslides of suffocation.

Till I met that beaming light,
Beneath the pressure of our silent heartaches,
Withdrew all the jalousie among us,
I tried to finally participate;
I lived for awhile never the less,
I promised to stay occupied,
I promised myself to do my best,
And here I stand yet again with a beating chest.
Yet they judge me, for I have been dead,
They don’t believe, they’re convinced I’m in over my head,
And whilst I taste the sky,
The last part of the old me, die.

She is nothing like me,
She is whom I thought I would never be.


I’ve been away for hours,
Upon a tree millions of miles away,
Buried in clouds far up high,
I’ve been gone for three hours and a day.
I’ve heard them call my name,
Recognized them raising their voices,
But I’m held captive in the distance,
I’d like to come home, but I have no other choices.
I don’t know what love is,
I’ve only seen it fall apart,
Love has become a subject of pain,
And love is the cause of lonely hearts.
I wish I believed that I could aim higher,
Reach for the sun further up,
But I’m stuck beneath the surface,
Even though I try aiming for the top.
Alone behind my eyelids,
Nothing comes past,
Not their voices, touch, nor teardrops,
Because none of those ever seem to last.
They look past our nightmares,
While I am silently sinking in,
Never to forget our history,
Never to let myself begin;
My life as it was meant to be,
I am a lonely heart by choice,
I don’t bother giving into their madness,
Nor do I just let by any mans voice.
Still I love the way my pillow feels,
Caressing my face while I dream,
While I’m far away, yet conscious,
Here it’s mellow, while out there nothing is what it seems,
While out there they step all over me,
As they don’t give a fuck,
I’ve met the world in nine hundred people,
And I feel like I’m running out of luck,
They’re all the same,
So I’d rather just stay pleasant, right here,
In a world of nothingness, powdered with chaos,
Not knowing the word “fear”,
Don’t blame me for my weakness,
I know where I got it from,
I know who I am inside the walls,
And I know just where I belong,
I am a girl of one too many hopes,
Yet, they should give me some more,
To raise my morals while living,
Can I make it, I’m not sure,
Don’t disturb my visions,
Don’t tell me future is key,
I might die before I awake,
But I’m not ready,
I can’t die before I accept all of my mistakes.