lørdag den 29. december 2012

Blue Moon

I wait for night
to pour its liquid black over me
darkness to be
seldom eyelids to cover.
I yearn for the stars to show
flutter their way across the sky
what I dream might be a lie
but it keeps me alive in the gutter.

A moon in bloom
flowers depicted on her pale skin
her bones tell tales of sin
done by us.
Her heart is heavy
lonesome and awake in space
her world is a crowded place
yet lonely she is.

I rest my head
blindly and exposed
with my eyes closed
because it is heavenly.
There shines a faint light
yet I can taste the blues
no use
hiding behind these pearly whites.

I blossom and awake
to the sounds of seagulls’ cries
whilst a piece of me dies
I’d rather stay in heaven.

torsdag den 27. december 2012


The air that I breathe is frozen
it shapes like faces with every breath
a game of hide and seek with shadows
a peek out the window reveals a cruel death.
Cluttering fingers caress my throat
as my footprints blends with snow
under my feet forms a temporary stamp
here, dancing under the streetlights glow.

I hear her moan in the darkness
someone is crying by the curb
I hear stilettos stomp behind me
but they don’t belong to the voice I first heard.
I bleed with her in silence
reach out for her smile
but I pull my fingers through a foggy cloud
in front of me standing a blue eyed transparent child.

Colors and glistening lights
a lonesome echo; nothing
alone in the snow forever
I need to fall for something.
She fades before me
a blurry cloud
I cover my ears
but she screams so loud.

Found my way to a bar
found my way home
quench my thirst in cocktails
anything to not feel so alone.
Fell asleep to die
slip away in smoke
first love left me by the staircase
I remember every word he spoke.

Lonely ghost – turn away, go home
let me wither in alcohol
throw up my guts and laugh out loud
I used to live in a fishbowl.
Let the music set me free
let my shoes take the lead
I challenge life to sweep me off of my feet.

lørdag den 8. december 2012


This is the core of your existence
a crimson death
one last thought survives
written on paper
children’s laughter, young adult cries.
The pain is handheld
crushed by fingers
black as coal
burns like fire
sorrow lingers.

You saw dust
I found water
in the mist of hope
lips of spoken madness
I remember the hate you spoke.
We’re lost by broken clocks
where hands don’t turn anymore
we’re hours past
we are where seconds stumbled
we used to be the last deadly blast
into nothingness.

Solitude is where my heart is
trapped in the eyes of lonesome ghosts
at night as I fall away
and close my eyes
I let you go and I erase the day.
Swallowed by muddy swirls
still and comfortable
in the wind
I blew kisses in your direction again
the waves will take you in.

tirsdag den 20. november 2012

It's still beats

For the first time,
in ages, I felt
the caress of flowers upon my cheek
in crisp air, I melt.
I blew a kiss to the clouds on my way
because finally I saw
the blue sky beyond
 it’s been such a long dull war.

A door has been locked for so long
I wear the key around my neck
I had a peek inside
must admit what I saw, looked like a wreck;
nothing we can’t fix
what is broken, what has been torn apart
on a pillow in the dark
my fragile, yet beating heart.

Writings on the wall
“when you wake, you’ll be okay”
I guess I must have woken up now
it’s a brand new day.
I took my heart
and I popped it back inside
no need to tell them now
no funeral to attend
I never truly died.


So, the wind is crisp tonight
she dropped her coat on the doorstep
she ran towards to light
while reaching for the white scars she kept.
She said, “wind, calm the fuck down”
dancing in streetlights
“I can’t see a fucking thing when you push me to the ground”
she stumbled upon the best place to hide.

Drunk again
quotes written on bathroom doors
the rum would be her friend
rum will sleep with her on dirty kitchen floors.
Awake late at night, crumbling
heartache and painkillers; gloomy days
she’s so reckless, she tumbling
dying inside in so many ways.

Can’t bear to pick up her broken ego
so many roads to follow
so much resistance from winds that blow
 beside herself,  frozen in time, hollow.

I consider this; truth

swallowing the sea
while swimming for dear life
in a swimsuit designed for sinking.
lifted to face the sky
tasting rainbows
while choking on hidden treasures.

is meant for greater things
like emptying a gun
into the face of a traitor.
you’re deceived
we live
to love.

marks formed upon skin
it hurts at first
scars are forever.
out the lights
start over
you’ve lost it. 

lørdag den 15. september 2012


Eyes heavy with wanderlust
clingy fragrances covered them shut
you could dance your way into nothingness
purple clouds drained; you could fall in love.

Yes, the sky is bursting
crimson blood splatter
somewhere in between is a ghostly figure
by his side a mad hatter.

Lonesome traveler,
seize the day and tame the night
burn your soles on liquid fire
cool them off on waterslides.

Like by a blast of the ocean
return to safe shores
blue perhaps
but it is this shade of blue we all adore.

fredag den 7. september 2012


While the guilt keeps melting my skin
and the glass is collecting dust in the mirror
sleep caught up, it’s pulling me in
 embracing every particle, leaving me in terror.

There is a dim light here
and a mystical fragrance so vague in the mist
it reminds me of a luminous sort of clear
pictures every boy I’ve ever blown a kiss.

Give me a chance to wake up again
I feel liquid underneath this weight
I know this dream is pretense
don’t leave me hanging, I’m so late.

Yet, the bubbles I see are amazing
the colors so profound
this place is never cold, I see a fire blazing
now; don’t wake me till I hit the ground.

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Solen falmer yndefuldt

Solen falmer yndefuldt nær mit vindue
tankernes spil træder i en bekræftende karakter
lyset derude er bedøvende svært at overskue
det er svært at begribe at hans matte øjne måske ikke ser dig mer’.
Hans stemme er et hult ekko foran et stillestående rod
du tog den del af ham med dig da du faldt
jeg ville ønske at jeg ikke kunne mærke hans vemod
men jeg ved at hans håb aldrig virkede mere smalt.

Mens solen forsvinder bag de grønne træer
tager månen og stjernerne langsomt tilløb mod den falmende himmel
uden en chance indtages himlen af en blodrød hær
og mine flakkende tanker gør mig så ubevægelig og svimmel.
Jeg græder lidt for ham og jeg græder lidt for dig
han må føle sig så længselsfuld og forvirret
men hvis du nu havde været her, havde der ikke eksisteret et ”jeg”
jeg havde været luft, mine tanker med havudsigt havde ikke eksisteret.

Jeg tror på ”intet” og balance
der er at overleve livet og der er at finde fred
og når vi ikke gives en hånd, ikke en eneste chance
flygter jeg mod høje steder og jeg vil have ham med.
Uden ham er jeg ingenting, uden ham er jeg så lille
fortabt når jeg ham ikke kan nå
der bliver så stille
når jeg ensom sejler rundt i det blå.

Nu er solen væk i den uendelige horisont
og stjernerne fæstner sig og de smelter
gaderne i mit sind synes forladte, i virkeligheden er der tomt
og broerne vi byggede vælter.


Jeg vil tage en taxa væk, jeg vil flygte
min eneste sammensvorne min egen skygge
håber dråberne derude kan holde på sig
magter ikke det kolde gyse omfavne mig.
Gaderne er så fucking mørke
jeg har besøgt værtshuse for at slukke min tørke
men jeg er på vej væk nu
og jeg ville ikke gøre det om hvis jeg ku’.

Brostenene glimter under byens lys
nattens bebrejdende hånd formes til et dødens kys
urets visere drejer rundt om sig selv
jeg har endnu engang slået tiden ihjel.
Før barstolene fløj omkring mig
satte mine tanker sig endnu engang fast på dig
og det er minderne om svundne tider jeg nu løber fra
og længslen til det hjerte jeg stadig ikke har.

Måske jeg i virkeligheden bare er på vej hjem
venter du i entreen, venter de, hvem?
Stiletter på de våde sten
det er morgen, men det er alligevel for sent.
Jeg har nye kort i ærmet og det ved du
det er også derfor du ikke er der nu
men hvem hænger alligevel i mørket, det gør du,
jeg ville skrue tiden tilbage tusinde gange hvis jeg ku’.

Beruset i opgangen, ligger jeg
håber så inderligt på at du er på vej
jeg ved egentlig ikke rigtig hvor jeg er
og jeg har ikke flere tårer, jeg kan ikke græde mer’.
Blå mærker, rifter, en blødende flaske i min hånd
det hele snurre, jeg kan ikke åbne min mund
verden flyder og gaderne er tomme
smilet er væk, men smilet igen vil komme.


Der er hærgede ansigter overalt
det står mig langt ud af halsen
at du skulle være en af dem der ligger sprængt uover asfalt
vi sprang let og elegant over dødsvalsen.
Hey, casanova min dreng
du kigger min vej og undertrykker smilet
du triumferer, du sender mig tegn
du gør det knap så stilet.

Det er penge, det er hor, det er druk
det er dig, det er mig, det er smerte
du gjorde mig så blank i øjnene, så kærligheds skruk
og så smed du kraftedme mit hjerte.
Læg kortene på bordet, flamme
du brænder blåt i minderne
du forlod mig, torso vridende, benene lamme
tilbage i væggene, kun stemmerne.

Du blotter tænderne og du holder blikket
i samme øjeblik føler jeg mig fanget
mit største ønske når jeg ser dig må være at trække stikket
men jeg er fuldstændigt lammet.
Du gjorde mig blind og hæmmet
låste mine arme fast på ryggen
jeg har altid gået vejen hvor den virkede nemmest
spørgsmålet er om det mest simple er lykken?

Og jeg mærker blodet løbe fra min næse
jeg løfter hånden for at mærke
jeg aldrig har hørt dig hvæse
der er intet andet end at kroppen begynder at værke.
Jeg løfter glasset og jeg skåler med dig
blod i min vodka
det er ikke mig
det er dig, jeg har fået nok af.

Noterne er skrevet bag øret
det er nok noget i luften
mine omgivelser virker lidt sløret
det eneste virkelig tilbage er duften;
af gammel sprut i væggene
du er væk, du er gået
bevæger mig over gulvet, slæbende
der er alt for meget jeg ikke har nået.

onsdag den 2. maj 2012

Yellow house

It’s the smell of coffee that takes me back
the cracks in the porcelain that makes me linger
just to see, if we could have done it differently
whilst I silently remove the dust with my fingers.

I still remember the sounds of childish laughter
floating thrilled across the room
sometimes I wait for that notion to come back
hoping it will get here soon.

It doesn’t shine anymore
it is deserted and motionless
but walking by it in the afternoon sun
I feel tempted to blow it a kiss.

Ghosts of the midday play patrol
I wish I’d survived turning eleven
what then felt like hell on earth
now seems like a piece of heaven.

I have walked this pavement
a million times or more
it has tasted my salty tears
it has seen me battle my wars

and the yellow house that I hold so dear
at times, I swear, I can hear her moan
she needs that childish laughter back
she needs to get back upon her throne.

Yes, this seems to be a case of melancholy
memories are far beyond my control
how happy they may waltz on by
every time they are near, it tears upon my soul.

Not even the happiest face, could mend this heart
a smile could come too close
I can’t comprehend how time flies
in a blink of an eye, you could lose what you love most.

And so, time went by
I’m growing older by the second
I don’t like surprises
and colliding with time was not what I reckoned.

When it rains around here

When it rains around here
it pours
concerned about the drops falling
blindly picking out each precious moments flaws.
I grow so relentless in these shoes
twisting and turning for the clocks to stop
time is deadly
trying to fight it, is tough.

Sometimes I find myself reminiscing
the past seems so gloomy
can I fight the resistance come future?
It’s so hard to stand on two feet when it’s this stormy.
When it’s still, I sometimes hear the drums
might just be my heart beating
I find it hard to focus though
because whilst I listen, the beats dropping are competing.

When it’s silent, I wither
when it’s too silent, I’m blue
I could be bursting in this very moment
with all the things I wish I never even knew.
I was never that fond of surprises.
Surprises are bullets in disguise
the outcome goes one way or another
either you laugh or you cry.

When night falls upon earth

When night falls upon earth, light as snow
and the trees twist in agony behind the fences
the darkness suffocates all but the street lights will to glow
whilst ripping open all dried up wounds upon the broken branches.
I heard the shadows whisper my name
whilst running a shortcut to the warmth of home
short of breath with a heavy chest
I hear nothing but the spirits moan.

Whilst streetlights are dancing in the dark
helpless bodies float along the pavement
forming lines behind me as I waltz in the night
it is not a cry for help, it is a statement.
There is a river running
forcing its way down a cheek so pale
river flows in me
don’t pity me, it is a story I have to tell.

I will leave the blue alone
there is a heavenly starlit sky to see
I will smile again eventually
once I learn how to let go of my melancholy.
I may speak a bit too fast
contemplating heaving every word out before it’s too late
I fear drowning in your bloodshed eyes
they’re so filled with hate.

Love is cruel
but when I make my way down the street
and I feel the air in my hair
I couldn’t be tangled up within your sheets.
This is such a deluded web of lies
strewn all over and it keeps me high
I’d rather never give in
then let it go, let you kill me, die.