mandag den 22. august 2011


Dear life in silence,
Break the spell and walk away,
I can’t stand your hollow noises,
And I hope you’ll leave today.

Innocence and trust in me,
Don’t forget who I used to be,
In agony I speak,
But I hope that you can still see;
You claimed that void in me,
Held my hand in the dark,
And when I felt so small,
You’d show me summer in the park,
And I’d feel mellow again,
But hatched upon your speakers,
Because nothing you ever say is true,
And your kind is shallow leapers.

Eventually I’ve overcome your lust,
For my body in your mouth,
Come and conquer me again,
And you’ll see me break a vow,
That I made back in the day,
When you first got that hold of me,
Screaming in misery,
You told me who to be;
I told you who I was,
And I would never leave your side,
You were that constant reminder,
Cursing me and my pride,
I wont land safely,
But I will break the fall,
And I will run for the sake of it,
Knock down your artificial wall.

Dear life of sorrow,
Today I will leave your side,
And smile because my life is still;
Prevail in all it’s might,
I wont forget the things you put me through,
But I will overcome your memory,
And put my silence into bliss,
Remember we’re freed in amnesty.
I promise you that that I contempt you,
But I wont put my energy into despising you,
Just walk away from me,
And if you want to lance out at me, please do,
You make it so hard,
Hard to keep you dear,
When you disturb my inner peace,
Lack of distance, I don’t want you here.

With love

Emptiness may surround it’s victims,
Light them up while they’re blinded by the light,
And they will pretend to have a vision,
They will be weak or they will fight.
A candle is lit upon my desk today,
To remind me that the world could be so much better,
That no matter what people say,
With post sometimes comes a beautifully written letter,
With love it is send,
By someone dearest you could receive,
An unexpected choice,
To cave in or to believe.

Forfulgt af Karma

Hun vakler sanseløs omkring,
På tær, på hæl, i en uendelig ring,
Løber på torne når hun bliver bange,
For Deres tone løse og fængslende sange.
Hun er indbegrebet af begær,
Hun er akkurat og vidunderligt sær,
Og på kanten af tankernes farvers glød,
Finder hun sig selv så hvid og aldeles død.
Når hun ofre sig selv til et elskovs favn,
Høre hun tvivlen kalde hendes euforiserende navn,
Og de blå bølgers hvisken lokker hende tilbage,
Mod ensomhedens sørgmodige og kolde dage.

Hun sitre og lyser,
Mens hendes vemodighed fryser,
Og når tanken om at være ene virker som definitionen af varme,
Dømmer hun skikkelserne før hun løber mod deres arme.
Afmagten sover i nat,
Hun svajer frem og til bage over isen så glat,
Mens hun drømmer om at kaste sig mod horisontens skær,
Og føle hvad hun ej kan mere men hvad hun holder så kær,
Levende og så enkelt som fuldkommen,
Endnu en sommer i modvind, endnu et år endt af dommen,
Måske det var det karma der overtog hendes liv?
Ændrede alt og formede personen hun blev.

Flushing against time

I miss the waves during summer,
The sounds of a bubbly swirl,
Silent, yet so violently pushing,
I miss the way the sea weeds twirl;
Around my ankles to pull me near,
I used to never be afraid,
Betrayed by my own heart,
Which by now is a different shade;
Of red,
More like blue,
Beating slower by the second,
I wish I knew;
How to turn it back on and how to live,
Because in a world of black and white,
I moan for patience,
I moan while trying to embrace a starlit night.

I miss twirling my hair around my finger,
While silently fading off into a world of dreams,
I’ll land beside you,
Whoever you are, whatever it means,
I want to dance,
I want to take my chances,
Blind, I’m conquered,
I wasted so many clear night dances.
While they’re all waiting near by,
Drying their eyes in their aprons of pastels,
I’m alone and impatient,
And upon stories, ghosts of the past dwells.

I miss seeing the world through the eyes;
Of a child, innocent and sweet,
Colorful and bright,
But life tends to knock my off of my feet;
And leave me in the gutter,
To wither and to die,
And while I listen to people calling,
My heart gets cold, and I’ll lie;
And say I’m fine,
But when I look back I want to rewind,
Because when I say I don’t remember,
It’s because I’ve been blind.

Words on paper

He is a piece of paper,
My thoughts put into lines,
Immortal sounds of the incomplete,
Sweeps me off and back upon my feet.
He is expecting me to land easy,
Yet he wants me to fall again,
I’ve begun to feel him less;
Wanting to resolve this mess.
He is blessing me with his patience
And dries me out with his ignorance.

I’ll pull myself back up,
Still his landslides wont stop.
Pity me, I’m dreadful,
And he is the cherry on top,
Follow me to the hills,
Bring me hope, bring me pleasure, give me chills.
I can’t pretend when he is near,
I can’t complain that he seems closer,
He transform me and makes me mellow,
Whilst I’m supposed to be cold and hollow.

He is not that pretty,
But he sets my heart on fire,
He is forever and beyond,
He is perfect on a distance, an unbreakable bond;
Of madness,
Days come when I wish he wasn’t there,
Hours of dread and tears,
Seconds of smiles and joy;
Although he put the pulse into my most horrific fears.


Jeg lukker mine øjne,
Analyserer hvert et åndedræt,
Flyder væk fra stilheden,
Mens hjertet smelter sammen, træt.
Jeg kæder mine tanker sammen,
Omkring ringe af lys,
De blegner omkring farverne,
Giver ingen mening i melodiernes kys.

Jeg smiler varmt,
Når jeg tænker på de få,
Der ser igennem facaden,
Dem som mine hænder, kan nå;
Før jeg hopper,
Og falder tungt,
Når verden syntes grå,
Når hjertet splittes og gør ondt.

Så er der dem der taler,
Fremkalder kaos i mit sind,
Dem som skriger før de kalder,
Dem jeg frygter at lukke ind;
Bag de tonede ruder,
Hvor jeg ikke magter at lade dem se,
Hvordan de lader flammerne tale,
Hvordan de dækkes af en dulmende sne.

Jeg forsvinder når jeg drømmer,
Lever mine længsler om igen,
Lever skrækken gemt bag lykken,
Hvor jeg nu end træder hen;
På mine ømme såler,
Der hviler tungt under min fod,
Mens jeg tænker,
På hvor vidt andet kan vægtes højere end blod.